From: Translation updater bot Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2018 20:53:40 +0000 (+0100) Subject: Localisation updates from X-Git-Tag: 1.34.0-rc.0~3531 X-Git-Url:;h=93dfa11d80549b540e8a160c52542b26dc7f05dd;p=lhc%2Fweb%2Fwiklou.git Localisation updates from Change-Id: I8298aee1349476a791d61e9a5dc46b713646afb7 --- diff --git a/includes/installer/i18n/ko.json b/includes/installer/i18n/ko.json index 3d1646dc84..d3f4f82a60 100644 --- a/includes/installer/i18n/ko.json +++ b/includes/installer/i18n/ko.json @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ "config-db-account-lock": "정상적으로 작동하는 동안 같은 사용자 이름과 비밀번호를 사용함", "config-db-wiki-account": "정상적인 작동을 위한 사용자 계정", "config-db-wiki-help": "정상적인 위키 작업 동안 데이터베이스에 연결하는 데 사용할 사용자 이름과 비밀번호를 입력하세요.\n계정이 존재하지 않고 설치 계정에 충분한 권한이 있는 경우 이 사용자 계정은 위키를 작동하는 데 필요한 최소 권한으로 만들어집니다.", - "config-db-prefix": "데이터베이스 테이블 접두어:", + "config-db-prefix": "데이터베이스 테이블 접두어 (하이픈 없음):", "config-db-prefix-help": "여러 위키 사이 또는 미디어위키와 다른 웹 애플리케이션 사이에 하나의 데이터베이스를 공유해야 하는 경우, 충돌을 피하기 위해 모든 테이블 이름에 접두어를 추가하도록 선택할 수 있습니다.\n공백을 사용하지 마세요.\n\n이 필드는 일반적으로 비어 있습니다.", "config-mysql-old": "MySQL $1 이상이 필요합니다. $2이(가) 있습니다.", "config-db-port": "데이터베이스 포트:", diff --git a/includes/installer/i18n/pt.json b/includes/installer/i18n/pt.json index 566f9a2816..6c0484da9d 100644 --- a/includes/installer/i18n/pt.json +++ b/includes/installer/i18n/pt.json @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ "config-db-account-lock": "Usar o mesmo nome de utilizador e palavra-passe durante a operação normal", "config-db-wiki-account": "Conta de utilizador para a operação normal", "config-db-wiki-help": "Introduza o nome de utilizador e a palavra-passe que serão usados para aceder à base de dados durante a operação normal da wiki.\nSe o utilizador não existir na base de dados, mas a conta de instalação tiver privilégios suficientes, o utilizador que introduzir será criado na base de dados com os privilégios mínimos necessários para a operação normal da wiki.", - "config-db-prefix": "Prefixo para as tabelas da base de dados:", + "config-db-prefix": "Prefixo para as tabelas da base de dados (sem hífenes):", "config-db-prefix-help": "Se necessitar de partilhar uma só base de dados entre várias wikis, ou entre o MediaWiki e outra aplicação, pode escolher adicionar um prefixo ao nome de todas as tabelas desta instalação, para evitar conflitos.\nNão use espaços.\n\nNormalmente, este campo deve ficar vazio.", "config-mysql-old": "É necessário o MySQL $1 ou posterior; tem a versão $2.", "config-db-port": "Porta da base de dados:", diff --git a/includes/installer/i18n/sr-ec.json b/includes/installer/i18n/sr-ec.json index f972c2450a..f8b4be9a43 100644 --- a/includes/installer/i18n/sr-ec.json +++ b/includes/installer/i18n/sr-ec.json @@ -60,7 +60,13 @@ "config-diff3-bad": "GNU diff3 није пронађен.", "config-git": "Пронађен је Git софтвер за контролу верзија: $1", "config-git-bad": "Није пронађен Git софтвер за контролу верзија.", + "config-imagemagick": "Пронађен ImageMagick: $1.\nУмањивање слика ће бити омогућено ако омогућите отпремање.", + "config-gd": "Пронађена је GD уграђена графичка библиотека.\nУмањивање слика ће бити омогућено ако омогућите отпремање.", "config-no-scaling": "Није могуће пронаћи GD библиотеку или ImageMagick.\nУмањивање слика ће бити онемогућено.", + "config-using-server": "Користи се име сервера \"$1\".", + "config-using-uri": "Користи се URL сервера \"$1$2\".", + "config-uploads-not-safe": "Упозорење: Ваш подразумеван фолдер за отпремања $1 је подложан извршењу произвољних скрипти.\nИако Медијавики проверава све отпремљене датотеке за безбедоносне претње, препоручује се [ да затворите ову безбедоносну рањивост] пре омогућавања отпремања.", + "config-no-cli-uploads-check": "Упозорење: Ваш подразумеван фолдер за отпремање ($1) није проверен на рањивост на произвољно извршавање скрипте током CLI инсталације.", "config-db-type": "Тип базе података:", "config-db-host": "Хост базе података", "config-db-wiki-settings": "Идентификуј овај вики", diff --git a/includes/installer/i18n/sr-el.json b/includes/installer/i18n/sr-el.json index 5ed243c99b..56b469f443 100644 --- a/includes/installer/i18n/sr-el.json +++ b/includes/installer/i18n/sr-el.json @@ -54,7 +54,13 @@ "config-diff3-bad": "GNU diff3 nije pronađen.", "config-git": "Pronađen je Git softver za kontrolu verzija: $1", "config-git-bad": "Nije pronađen Git softver za kontrolu verzija.", + "config-imagemagick": "Pronađen ImageMagick: $1.\nUmanjivanje slika će biti omogućeno ako omogućite otpremanje.", + "config-gd": "Pronađena je GD ugrađena grafička biblioteka.\nUmanjivanje slika će biti omogućeno ako omogućite otpremanje.", "config-no-scaling": "Nije moguće pronaći GD biblioteku ili ImageMagick.\nUmanjivanje slika će biti onemogućeno.", + "config-using-server": "Koristi se ime servera \"$1\".", + "config-using-uri": "Koristi se URL servera \"$1$2\".", + "config-uploads-not-safe": "Upozorenje: Vaš podrazumevan folder za otpremanja $1 je podložan izvršenju proizvoljnih skripti.\nIako Medijaviki proverava sve otpremljene datoteke za bezbedonosne pretnje, preporučuje se [ da zatvorite ovu bezbedonosnu ranjivost] pre omogućavanja otpremanja.", + "config-no-cli-uploads-check": "Upozorenje: Vaš podrazumevan folder za otpremanje ($1) nije proveren na ranjivost na proizvoljno izvršavanje skripte tokom CLI instalacije.", "config-db-type": "Tip baze podataka:", "config-db-host": "Host baze podataka", "config-db-wiki-settings": "Identifikuj ovaj viki", diff --git a/includes/installer/i18n/sv.json b/includes/installer/i18n/sv.json index 1f82d3b5a3..24f4757e7d 100644 --- a/includes/installer/i18n/sv.json +++ b/includes/installer/i18n/sv.json @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ "config-db-host-oracle": "Databas TNS:", "config-db-host-oracle-help": "Ange ett giltigt [ Local Connect Name]; en tnsnames.ora-fil måste vara synlig för denna installation.
Om du använder klientbibliotek 10g eller nyare kan du också använda [ Easy Connect] namngivningsmetoden.", "config-db-wiki-settings": "Identifiera denna wiki", - "config-db-name": "Databasnamn:", + "config-db-name": "Databasnamn (inga bindestreck):", "config-db-name-help": "Välj ett namn som identifierar din wiki.\nDet bör inte innehålla mellanslag.\n\nOm du använder ett delat webbhotell kan de antingen ge dig ett särskilt databasnamn att använda eller så kan de låta dig skapa en databas via kontrollpanelen.", "config-db-name-oracle": "Databasschema:", "config-db-account-oracle-warn": "Det finns tre stödda scenarier för installationen av Oracle som en backend-databas:\n\nOm du vill skapa ett databaskonto som en del av installationen, ange ett konto med SYSDBA-roll som databaskonto under installationen och ange de önskade autentiseringsuppgifterna för kontot med webb-åtkomst, annars kan du antingen skapa ett konto med webb-åtkomst manuellt och ange enbart detta konto (om den har behörighet att skapa schema-objekt) eller ange två olika konton, en med create-behörighet och en begränsad för webb-åtkomst.\n\nSkript för att skapa ett konto med de korrekta behörigheterna kan hittas i \"maintenance/oracle/\"-katalogen för denna installation. Tänk på att användningen av ett begränsat konto inaktiverar all underhållsmöjlighet med standardkontot.", @@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ "config-db-account-lock": "Använda samma användarnamn och lösenord under normal drift", "config-db-wiki-account": "Användarkonto för normal drift", "config-db-wiki-help": "Ange det användarnamn och lösenorde som skall användas för att ansluta till databasen under normal wiki-drift. Om kontot inte existerar, och om installationskontot har tillräcklig behörighet, kommer detta användarkontot att skapas med de minimiprivilegier som krävs för att driva wikin.", - "config-db-prefix": "Prefix för tabellerna i databasen:", + "config-db-prefix": "Prefix för databastabell (inga bindestreck):", "config-db-prefix-help": "Om du behöver dela en databas mellan flera olika wikis, eller mellan MediaWiki och en annan webbapplikation, kan du välja att lägga till ett prefix till alla tabellnamn för att undvika konflikter.\nAnvänd inte mellanslag.\n\nDet här fältet lämnas vanligtvis tomt.", "config-mysql-old": "MySQL $1 eller senare krävs. Du har $2.", "config-db-port": "Databasport:", - "config-db-schema": "Schema för MediaWiki", + "config-db-schema": "Schema för MediaWiki (inga bindestreck):", "config-db-schema-help": "Det här schemat blir oftast bra.\nÄndra det endast om du vet att du behöver.", "config-pg-test-error": "Kan inte ansluta till databas '''$1''': $2", "config-sqlite-dir": "SQLite data-katalog:", diff --git a/includes/installer/i18n/uk.json b/includes/installer/i18n/uk.json index 0a97b5eae3..8b5e851954 100644 --- a/includes/installer/i18n/uk.json +++ b/includes/installer/i18n/uk.json @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ "config-db-account-lock": "Використовувати ті ж ім'я користувача і пароль і для звичайної роботи", "config-db-wiki-account": "Обліковий запис користувача для звичайної роботи", "config-db-wiki-help": "Введіть ім'я користувача і пароль, які будуть використовуватись для з'єднання з базою даних під час звичайної роботи.\nЯкщо обліковий запис не існує, а в облікового запису інсталяції є достатні повноваження, цей обліковий запис користувача буде створено з мінімальними правами, що необхідні для роботи з вікі.", - "config-db-prefix": "Префікс таблиць бази даних:", + "config-db-prefix": "Префікс таблиць бази даних (без дефісів):", "config-db-prefix-help": "Якщо треба ділити одну базу даних між декількома вікі або між MediaWiki та іншим веб-застосунком, Ви можете додати префікс до усіх назв таблиць для уникнення конфліктів.\nНе використовуйте пробіли.\n\nЦе поле зазвичай залишають пустим.", "config-mysql-old": "Необхідна MySQL $1 або пізніша, а у Вас $2.", "config-db-port": "Порт бази даних:", diff --git a/languages/i18n/ar.json b/languages/i18n/ar.json index f5a58ac05a..9151b80892 100644 --- a/languages/i18n/ar.json +++ b/languages/i18n/ar.json @@ -1578,7 +1578,7 @@ "recentchanges-page-removed-from-category": "أزيلت [[:$1]] من التصنيف", "recentchanges-page-removed-from-category-bundled": "أزيلت [[:$1]] من التصنيف، [[Special:WhatLinksHere/$1|هذه الصفحة مضمنة في صفحات أخرى]]", "autochange-username": "تغيير آلي لميدياويكي", - "upload": "ارفع ملفا", + "upload": "رفع ملف", "uploadbtn": "ارفع الملف", "reuploaddesc": "إلغاء الرفع والرجوع إلى استمارة الرفع", "upload-tryagain": "أرسل وصف ملف معدل", diff --git a/languages/i18n/fa.json b/languages/i18n/fa.json index 5dfd3c905a..2b481b24bd 100644 --- a/languages/i18n/fa.json +++ b/languages/i18n/fa.json @@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ "Alireza Ivaz", "Iriman", "Matěj Suchánek", - "Amirsara" + "Amirsara", + "Physicsch" ] }, "tog-underline": "خط کشیدن زیر پیوندها:", @@ -1977,7 +1978,7 @@ "prefixindex": "تمام صفحات با پیشوند", "prefixindex-namespace": "همهٔ صفحه‌های دارای پیشوند (فضای‌نام $1)", "prefixindex-submit": "نمایش", - "prefixindex-strip": "حذف پیشوند در فهرست", + "prefixindex-strip": "حذف پیشوند در نتایج", "shortpages": "صفحه‌های کوتاه", "longpages": "صفحه‌های بلند", "deadendpages": "صفحه‌های بن‌بست", @@ -3987,7 +3988,7 @@ "special-characters-title-emdash": "خط فاسله کشیده", "special-characters-title-minus": "علامت منفی", "mw-widgets-abandonedit": "مطمئنید که می‌خواهید بدون ذخیره‌سازی حالت ویرایش را ترک کنید؟", - "mw-widgets-abandonedit-discard": "درنظر نگرفتن ویرایش‌ها", + "mw-widgets-abandonedit-discard": "چشم‌پوشی از ویرایش‌ها", "mw-widgets-abandonedit-keep": "ادامه دادن به ویرایش", "mw-widgets-abandonedit-title": "آیا مطمئن هستید؟", "mw-widgets-dateinput-no-date": "هیچ داده‌ای انتخاب نشده", @@ -4159,5 +4160,6 @@ "passwordpolicies-policy-passwordcannotmatchblacklist": "گذرواژه نمی‌تواند مشابه گذرواژه‌های فهرست شده در فهرست سیاه باشد", "passwordpolicies-policy-maximalpasswordlength": "گذرواژه باید کمتر از $1 {{PLURAL:$1|نویسه|نویسه}} طول داشته باشد", "passwordpolicies-policy-passwordcannotbepopular": "گذرواژه نمی‌تواند {{PLURAL:$1|گذرواژه پراستفاده باشد|در فهرست $1 گذرواژه‌های پراستفاده باشد}}", - "easydeflate-invaliddeflate": "محتوی تهیه‌شده به صورت درست خالی نشده‌است" + "easydeflate-invaliddeflate": "محتوی تهیه‌شده به صورت درست خالی نشده‌است", + "unprotected-js": "به دلایل امنیتی، جاوااسکریپت نمی‌تواند از صفحات محافظت‌نشده بارگیری شود. لطفا جاوااسکریپت را تنها در فضای نام مدیاویکی: و یا در زیرصفحهٔ کاربری خودتان ایجاد کنید." } diff --git a/languages/i18n/fr.json b/languages/i18n/fr.json index 6292fe3fd4..dc0fa69b85 100644 --- a/languages/i18n/fr.json +++ b/languages/i18n/fr.json @@ -165,7 +165,8 @@ "KATRINE1992", "Friday83260", "Niridya", - "Pamputt" + "Pamputt", + "Ash Crow" ] }, "tog-underline": "Soulignement des liens :", @@ -3014,7 +3015,7 @@ "pageinfo-display-title": "Titre affiché", "pageinfo-default-sort": "Clé de tri par défaut", "pageinfo-length": "Taille de la page (en octets)", - "pageinfo-article-id": "Numéro de la page", + "pageinfo-article-id": "ID de la page", "pageinfo-language": "Langue du contenu de la page", "pageinfo-language-change": "modifier", "pageinfo-content-model": "Modèle de contenu de la page", diff --git a/languages/i18n/frr.json b/languages/i18n/frr.json index c30928f306..e700b5db7b 100644 --- a/languages/i18n/frr.json +++ b/languages/i18n/frr.json @@ -3330,6 +3330,7 @@ "special-characters-group-ipa": "IPA", "special-characters-group-symbols": "Sümboolen", "special-characters-group-greek": "Griichisk", + "special-characters-group-greekextended": "Griichisk, ütjwidjet", "special-characters-group-cyrillic": "Kyrilisk", "special-characters-group-arabic": "Araabisk", "special-characters-group-arabicextended": "Araabisk, ütjwidjet", @@ -3344,6 +3345,7 @@ "special-characters-group-thai": "Thai", "special-characters-group-lao": "Laotisk", "special-characters-group-khmer": "Khmer", + "special-characters-group-canadianaboriginal": "Kanaadisk silwenskraft", "special-characters-title-endash": "seenkstreg", "special-characters-title-emdash": "speegelstreg", "special-characters-title-minus": "minus tiaken", diff --git a/languages/i18n/gom-latn.json b/languages/i18n/gom-latn.json index b4f04db377..6a310c639e 100644 --- a/languages/i18n/gom-latn.json +++ b/languages/i18n/gom-latn.json @@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ "accmailtitle": "Gupitutor dhaddlea", "newarticle": "(Novem)", "newarticletext": "Tuven ek zoddneche patlav kelai, zachem pan azun rochunk na.\nPan rochunk, khallchea chovkottan boroi (anik mahitik [$1 adar pan] polloi).\nTu hangasor chukin pavlai zalear tujea internet browser-achi '''Fatim'' vo '''Back''' butao dab.", - "anontalkpagetext": "----\nHem bhasabhasechem pan ek ninami vaporpeak zannem ozun ek khatem ugddunk na, vo to tem vaporna.\nHea khatir amkam ankddeancho IP pot'to vaprunk podta taka vollkhunk.\nToslo IP pot'to sabar vaporpeamni vaprum ieta.\nTum zor ek ninami vaporpi asa ani tuka dista ki sombondit commentario tuje vixim keleat, upkar korun [[Special:CreateAccount|ek khatem roch]] vo [[Special:UserLogin|log in]] fuddle guspop ninami vaporpeanchem tallunk.‎", + "anontalkpagetext": "----\nHem bhasabhasechem pan ek ninami vaporpeak zannem ozun ek khatem ugddunk na, vo to tem vaporna.\nHea khatir amkam ankddeancho IP pot'to vaprunk podta taka vollkhunk.\nToslo IP pot'to sabar vaporpeamni vaprum ieta.\nTum zor ek ninami vaporpi asa ani tuka dista ki sombondit xere tuje vixim keleat, upkar korun [[Special:CreateAccount|ek khatem roch]] vo [[Special:UserLogin|log in]] fuddle guspop ninami vaporpeanchem tallunk.‎", "noarticletext": "Sodheak hem pan rinte asa.\nTujean dusrea panani [[Special:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|hea panache nanv sodunk zata]], [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} sombondhi sotrani sodunk zata], vo [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} hem pan rochunk zata].", "noarticletext-nopermission": "Sodheak hem pan rinte asa.\nTujean dusrea panani [[Special:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|hea panache nanv sodunk zata]], vo [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} sombondhi sotrani sodunk zata], pun tuka hem pan rochunk porvangi na.", "userpage-userdoesnotexist-view": "\"$1\" hea vapurpeachea khateachi nondnni korunk na.", @@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ "filehist-nothumb": "Lhan-imaz na", "filehist-user": "Vapurpi", "filehist-dimensions": "Akar", - "filehist-comment": "vivek", + "filehist-comment": "Xero", "imagelinks": "Faylicho vapor", "linkstoimage": "{{PLURAL:$1|Hem pan|$1 Him panam}} hi fayl {{PLURAL:$1|vaporta|vaportat}}:", "linkstoimage-more": "$1 poros odik {{PLURAL:$1|pan vaporta|panam vaporta}} hi fayl.\nSokoili volleri dakhoita {{PLURAL:$1|poilem pan|poilim $1 panam}} jem hich fayl vaporta. Ek [[Special:WhatLinksHere/$2|purnn volleri]] uplobdh asa.‎", @@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ "redirect-revision": "Panachi uzollnni", "redirect-file": "Faylichem nanv", "specialpages": "Vixex panam", - "external_image_whitelist": " #Hi voll asa toxich dovor
\n#Khala sodpache sache (''regular expressions'') ghal (fokot // modem voita poi tem bhag)\n#Hanche borobor bhaile zodlele murt comparar kel'le zatele\n#Mell khatat tim murt koxeo distele, na zalear fokot mortek ek zodd distele\n#Jeo voll #-an suru zatele tem vivek mhunn manlele zatele\n#Hanga vhodle and dhakte okxora modem forok podona\n\n#Soglle sodpache sache hea volla voir ghal. Hi voll asa toxich dovor
", + "external_image_whitelist": " #Hi voll asa toxich dovor
\n#Khala sodpache sache (''regular expressions'') ghal (fokot // modem voita poi tem bhag)\n#Hanche borobor bhaile zodlele murt comparar kel'le zatele\n#Mell khatat tim murt koxeo distele, na zalear fokot mortek ek zodd distele\n#Jeo voll #-an suru zatele tem xere mhunn manlele zatele\n#Hanga vhodle and dhakte okxora modem forok podona\n\n#Soglle sodpache sache hea volla voir ghal. Hi voll asa toxich dovor
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"edit": "အင်ႋတင်ႋ", + "edit": "သံင့်ၜးၯဴ", "edit-local": "အှ်လင်ကၠယ် ဆ်ုတုဂ်ကၠယ် မ်ုအင်းတင်လင်", "create": "ပ္တုံထံင်း", "create-local": "အှ်လင်ကၠယ် ဆ်ုတုဂ်ကၠယ် မ်ုဆူ့ဍုဂ်လင်", @@ -129,12 +129,12 @@ "protect_change": "မ်ုအင်းလယ်", "unprotect": "ဝီးၜါ်ထ မ်ုအင်းလယ်", "newpage": "လိက်မေံသင့်", - "talkpagelinktext": "ဆ်ုခၠါင်ကင်ကာ", - "specialpage": "လိက်မေံခေါဟ်", + "talkpagelinktext": "ဆ်ုခၠါင်ကါင်ကါ", + "specialpage": "လိက်မေံၜၠါ်ခေါဟ်", "personaltools": "ဟ်ုဆ်ုမာ ဆ်ုဖၠင့်", - "talk": "လဝ်ထာင်ကင်ကာ", + "talk": "လဝ်ထါင်ကါင်ကါ", "views": "ဟ်ုဍးအ်ုလာၯင်သယ်အး", - "toolbox": "ခြီခြာ့သယ်", + "toolbox": "ခြီခြာ့လ်ုဖး", "tool-link-userrights": "{{GENDER:$1|ၮင့်ဆါႋ}}ကုံလွာဲသယ်လ်ုဖး မ်ုအင်းလယ်", "tool-link-userrights-readonly": "{{GENDER:$1|ၮင့်ဆါႋ}}ကုံလွာဲသယ်လ်ုဖး မ်ုယောဝ်ႋ", "tool-link-emailuser": "ယိုဝ်{{GENDER:$1|ၮင့်ဆါႋ}}ၮှ် မ်ုသုံ့အီမေံႋ", @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ "viewhelppage": "မ်ုယောဝ်ႋဖိုင့်လိက်မေံ", "categorypage": "အ်ုဆုဂ်တုဂ်လိက်မေံသယ် မ်ုယောဝ်ႋ", "viewtalkpage": "မ်ုယောဝ်ႋ လဝ်ခၠါင်ဆ်ုခၠါင်", - "otherlanguages": "လိက်ဆ်ုခၠါင် အ်ုၯာၯံင်သယ်", + "otherlanguages": "လ်ုအ်ုၰာႋၰံင် ဆ်ုခၠါင်ဘာႋသာ့", "redirectedfrom": "($1 ခဝ့် ပ်ုယုံ့ထာ့)", "redirectpagesub": "ထါင်ၮဲအ်ုထိုဝ် လိက်မေံၜၠါ်", "redirectto": "က္ဍာထိုဝ်ၜုဂ် -", @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ "protectedpage": "လိက်မေံဆ်ုဝီးၜါ်", "jumpto": "မ်ုၯယ့်ထါင်ယိုဝ်", "jumptonavigation": "ပ်ုယုံ့", - "jumptosearch": "အင်းၯူ့", + "jumptosearch": "အင်းၰူ့", "pool-errorunknown": "လ်ုသီးယာ့ ဆ်ုမး", "poolcounter-usage-error": "ဆ်ုသုံႋဆာႋအ်ုမး: $1", "aboutsite": "အ်ုကျံင် {{SITENAME}}", @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ "copyrightpage": "{{ns:project}}: ပ္တုံဆာပၞံင့်", "currentevents": "အ်ုခါ့ယိုဝ် ကဲထင်းလေဝ်သယ်", "currentevents-url": "Project:အ်ုခါ့ယိုဝ် ကဲထင်းလေဝ်သယ်", - "disclaimers": "တင်ဆ်ုခၠါင်", + "disclaimers": "ၜးတ်ုတိက်လ်ုဖး", "disclaimerpage": "Project:ကိုဝ်မိင်ကိုဝ်စိင် ၜးတ်ုဒှ်", "edithelp": "သံင့်ၜးၯဴ မာၜိုင်မာဆိုင်", "helppage-top-gethelp": "မာၜိုင်မာဆိုင်", @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ "mainpage-description": "လိက်မေံယာ့", "portal": "အ်ုထိုဝ်အ်ုမေံလင်", "portal-url": "Project:အ်ုထိုဝ်အ်ုမေံလင်", - "privacy": "ဟ်ုဆ်ုမာဟ်ု ဆ်ုဖံင်ဖၠေဝ်", + "privacy": "ၜးဆါင့်ဟ်ုက်ုဆာႋ ဆ်ုဖံင်ဖၠေံ", "privacypage": "Project:ၜးဆိုင့်ဟ်ုဆ်ုမာ ပဝ်လ်ုဆီ", "ok": "အိုဝ်ကေ", "retrievedfrom": "မာၮေဝ်လှ် \"$1\"ခဝ့်", @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ "editsection": "သံင့်ၜးၯဴ", "editold": "သံင့်ၜးၯဴ", "viewsourceold": "မ်ုယောဝ်ႋ အ်ုထိုဝ်", - "editlink": "အင်ႋတင်ႋ", + "editlink": "သံင့်ၜးၯဴ", "viewsourcelink": "မ်ုယောဝ်ႋ အ်ုထိုဝ်", "editsectionhint": "ကၞါင့်ယိုဝ် မ်ုအင်းတင်: $1", "toc": "ပ်ုယုံ့ခေါဟ်တင်", @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ "nstab-main": "လက်မေံသး", "nstab-user": "ဆ်ုသုံႋက်ုဆာႋ လိက်မေံၜၠာ်", "nstab-media": "မီဒီယ်ုလိက်မေံၜၠာ်", - "nstab-special": "လိက်မေံခေါဟ်", + "nstab-special": "အ်ုထိုဝ်ခေါဟ်", "nstab-project": "ပ်ုရောဴဂျက်လိက်မေံၜၠါ်", "nstab-image": "ဖိုင်", "nstab-mediawiki": "လိက်ဖၠုံး", @@ -275,13 +275,13 @@ "media_tip": "File လင့်", "sig_tip": "မူႋသင့်ခိင်ႋခါ့ၮဲဖှ်ေ ၮ်ုစူးဍံင်", "hr_tip": "ပၞံင့်ထီ့ဖါ (အင်းကုံဆၟိုဝ်လာႋ)", - "summary": "အ်ုခဝ့်ပ်ုယဝ့်ထင်ႋ", - "minoredit": "လ်ုခေါဟ်ဍောဟ်ၜး ဆ်ုအင်းလ်ု", + "summary": "အ်ုအိင်း", + "minoredit": "အ်ုယိုဝ် မွာဲဝေ့ဆ်ုအင်းတါင်ဖေါဟ်လှ်", "watchthis": "လိက်မေံယိုဝ် မ်ုအင်းခိုဝ်ယောဝ်ႋ", "savearticle": "လိက်မေံမ်ုအင်းလုက်ခွိက်", "preview": "မ်ုယောဝ်ႋထါင်", - 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"contributions": "{{GENDER:$1|ဆ်ုအင်းသုံ့}} ဆ်ုသုဂ်ကၠယ်သယ်", + "contributions": "{{GENDER:$1|ဆ်ုသုံႋဆာႋ}}ခဝ့် ဆ်ုသုဂ်ကၠယ်လ်ုဖး", "contributions-title": "$1 ၯင်း ဆ်ုအင်းသုံ့က်ုဆာ ဆ်ုဍုဂ်ဆ်ုကၠယ် $1", - "mycontris": "ဍောဟ်ဖှ်ေထာ့က်ုဆာ", - "anoncontribs": "ဍောဟ်ဖှ်ေထာ့က်ုဆာ", + "mycontris": "ဆ်ုမာဖှ်ေထဆာႋလ်ုဖး", + "anoncontribs": "ဆ်ုမာဖှ်ေထဆာႋလ်ုဖး", "contribsub2": "{{GENDER:$3|$1}}အ်ုၯင်း ($2)", "nocontribs": "လ်ုပၞံင့်ယိုဝ် လ်ုၜးက္ဍာၜး ဆ်ုအင်းလယ် လ်ုအ်ှၜး။", "uctop": "လ်ုၮီမူႋအ်ုခါ့ယိုဝ်", @@ -526,14 +526,14 @@ "sp-contributions-blocklog": "ဆ်ုဍာ်အှ်ၯင်း လိက်မါၮါင်း", "sp-contributions-uploads": "အးလုဂ်ထံင့်ဖှ်ေထး", "sp-contributions-logs": "က်ုတုဂ်သယ်", - "sp-contributions-talk": "ဆ်ုခၠါင်ကင်ကာ", + "sp-contributions-talk": "ဆ်ုခၠါင်ကါင်ကါ", "sp-contributions-userrights": "{{GENDER:$1|ဆ်ုသုံႋဆာႋ}}ခဝ့် ၜးၮေဝ်ႋအ်ုလူးအ်ုထာ့ မ်ုပိုင်ကြိုင်စီရေင့်", "sp-contributions-search": "အင်းၰူ့ဆ်ုမာၜိုဒ်မာဆိုင်", "sp-contributions-username": "အိုင်ပီလင်ဍာ အိုဝ် ဆ်ုသုံ့က်ုဆာမိင် :", "sp-contributions-toponly": "ဟ်ုအင်းတံင်လိက်မေံသှ် မ်ုၮဲဖှ်ေ", "sp-contributions-newonly": "ဟ်ုအင်းတံင်လိက်မေံသှ် မ်ုၮဲဖှ်ေ", "sp-contributions-submit": "အင်းၰူ့", - 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"searchsuggest-search": "{{SITENAME}}ဝဲါ မ်ုအင်းၰူ့", + "searchsuggest-search": "{{SITENAME}} ဖိုင် မ်ုအင်းၰူ့", "duration-days": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|မူႋသင့်|မူႋသင့်လ်ုဖး}}", "mw-widgets-titlesmultiselect-placeholder": "ဆူ့ဍုဂ် ဆ်ုအှ်ထါင်...", "randomrootpage": "လ်ုၜးမိင် အ်ုခံင့် လိက်မေံၜၠါ်" diff --git a/languages/i18n/pt-br.json b/languages/i18n/pt-br.json index ce4e0ff856..4e27fb1a6f 100644 --- a/languages/i18n/pt-br.json +++ b/languages/i18n/pt-br.json @@ -4082,7 +4082,7 @@ "mw-widgets-mediasearch-input-placeholder": "Procurar por mídia", "mw-widgets-mediasearch-noresults": "Nenhum resultado encontrado.", "mw-widgets-titleinput-description-new-page": "a página ainda não existe", - "mw-widgets-titleinput-description-redirect": "redirecionar para $1", + "mw-widgets-titleinput-description-redirect": "redireciona para $1", "mw-widgets-categoryselector-add-category-placeholder": "Adicionar uma categoria...", "mw-widgets-usersmultiselect-placeholder": "Adicionar mais…", "mw-widgets-titlesmultiselect-placeholder": "Adicionar mais…", diff --git a/languages/i18n/pt.json b/languages/i18n/pt.json index 3b593d4883..73e42839d8 100644 --- a/languages/i18n/pt.json +++ b/languages/i18n/pt.json @@ -3989,7 +3989,7 @@ "special-characters-title-emdash": "travessão", "special-characters-title-minus": "sinal de subtração", "mw-widgets-abandonedit": "Tem a certeza de que deseja sair do modo de edição sem antes gravar as alterações?", - "mw-widgets-abandonedit-discard": "Ignorar alterações", + "mw-widgets-abandonedit-discard": "Descartar edições", "mw-widgets-abandonedit-keep": "Continuar a editar", "mw-widgets-abandonedit-title": "Tem a certeza?", "mw-widgets-dateinput-no-date": "Não foi selecionada nenhuma data", @@ -3998,7 +3998,7 @@ "mw-widgets-mediasearch-input-placeholder": "Procurar ficheiros multimédia", "mw-widgets-mediasearch-noresults": "Não foram encontrados resultados.", "mw-widgets-titleinput-description-new-page": "a página ainda não existe.", - "mw-widgets-titleinput-description-redirect": "redirecionar para $1", + "mw-widgets-titleinput-description-redirect": "redireciona para $1", "mw-widgets-categoryselector-add-category-placeholder": "Adicionar uma categoria...", "mw-widgets-usersmultiselect-placeholder": "Adicionar mais...", "mw-widgets-titlesmultiselect-placeholder": "Adicionar mais...", diff --git a/languages/i18n/qqq.json b/languages/i18n/qqq.json index b88b60a872..cea9e3fa1f 100644 --- a/languages/i18n/qqq.json +++ b/languages/i18n/qqq.json @@ -869,9 +869,9 @@ "blockedtitle": "Used as title displayed for blocked users. The corresponding message body is one of the following messages:\n* {{msg-mw|Blockedtext|notext=1}}\n* {{msg-mw|Autoblockedtext|notext=1}}\n* {{msg-mw|Systemblockedtext}}", "blocked-email-user": "Text displayed to partially blocked users that are blocked from sending email.\n\n\"email this user\" should be consistent with {{msg-mw|Emailuser}}.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the blocking sysop (with a link to his/her userpage)\n* $2 - the reason for the block\n* $3 - the current IP address of the blocked user\n* $4 - (Unused) the blocking sysop's username (plain text, without the link)\n* $5 - the unique numeric identifier of the applied autoblock\n* $6 - the expiry of the block\n* $7 - the intended target of the block (what the blocking user specified in the blocking form)\n* $8 - the timestamp when the block started\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Grouppage-sysop}}\n* {{msg-mw|Autoblockedtext}}\n* {{msg-mw|Systemblockedtext}}", "blockedtext-partial": "Text displayed to partially blocked users.\n\n\"email this user\" should be consistent with {{msg-mw|Emailuser}}.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the blocking sysop (with a link to his/her userpage)\n* $2 - the reason for the block\n* $3 - the current IP address of the blocked user\n* $4 - (Unused) the blocking sysop's username (plain text, without the link)\n* $5 - the unique numeric identifier of the applied autoblock\n* $6 - the expiry of the block\n* $7 - the intended target of the block (what the blocking user specified in the blocking form)\n* $8 - the timestamp when the block started\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Grouppage-sysop}}\n* {{msg-mw|Autoblockedtext}}\n* {{msg-mw|Systemblockedtext}}", - "blockedtext": "Text displayed to blocked users.\n\n\"email this user\" should be consistent with {{msg-mw|Emailuser}}.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the blocking sysop (with a link to his/her userpage)\n* $2 - the reason for the block\n* $3 - the current IP address of the blocked user\n* $4 - (Unused) the blocking sysop's username (plain text, without the link)\n* $5 - the unique numeric identifier of the applied autoblock\n* $6 - the expiry of the block\n* $7 - the intended target of the block (what the blocking user specified in the blocking form)\n* $8 - the timestamp when the block started\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Grouppage-sysop}}\n* {{msg-mw|Autoblockedtext}}\n* {{msg-mw|Systemblockedtext}}", - "autoblockedtext": "Text displayed to automatically blocked users.\n\n\"email this user\" should be consistent with {{msg-mw|Emailuser}}.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the blocking sysop (with a link to his/her userpage)\n* $2 - the reason for the block (in case of autoblocks: {{msg-mw|autoblocker}})\n* $3 - the current IP address of the blocked user\n* $4 - (Unused) the blocking sysop's username (plain text, without the link). Use it for GENDER.\n* $5 - the unique numeric identifier of the applied autoblock\n* $6 - the expiry of the block\n* $7 - the intended target of the block (what the blocking user specified in the blocking form)\n* $8 - the timestamp when the block started\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Grouppage-sysop}}\n* {{msg-mw|Blockedtext}}\n* {{msg-mw|Systemblockedtext}}", - "systemblockedtext": "Text displayed to requests blocked by MediaWiki configuration.\n\n\"email this user\" should be consistent with {{msg-mw|Emailuser}}.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - (Unused) A dummy user attributed as the blocker, possibly as a link to a user page.\n* $2 - the reason for the block\n* $3 - the current IP address of the blocked user\n* $4 - (Unused) the dummy blocking user's username (plain text, without the link).\n* $5 - A short string indicating the type of system block.\n* $6 - the expiry of the block\n* $7 - the intended target of the block\n* $8 - the timestamp when the block started\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Grouppage-sysop}}\n* {{msg-mw|Blockedtext}}\n* {{msg-mw|Autoblockedtext}}", + "blockedtext": "Text displayed to blocked users.\n\n\"email this user\" should be consistent with {{msg-mw|Emailuser}}.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the blocking sysop (with a link to his/her userpage)\n* $2 - the reason for the block\n* $3 - the current IP address of the blocked user\n* $4 - (Unused) the blocking sysop's username (plain text, without the link)\n* $5 - the unique numeric identifier of the applied autoblock\n* $6 - the expiry of the block\n* $7 - the intended target of the block (what the blocking user specified in the blocking form)\n* $8 - the timestamp when the block started\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Grouppage-sysop}}\n* {{msg-mw|Autoblockedtext|notext=1}}\n* {{msg-mw|Systemblockedtext|notext=1}}", + "autoblockedtext": "Text displayed to automatically blocked users.\n\n\"email this user\" should be consistent with {{msg-mw|Emailuser}}.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the blocking sysop (with a link to his/her userpage)\n* $2 - the reason for the block (in case of autoblocks: {{msg-mw|autoblocker}})\n* $3 - the current IP address of the blocked user\n* $4 - (Unused) the blocking sysop's username (plain text, without the link). Use it for GENDER.\n* $5 - the unique numeric identifier of the applied autoblock\n* $6 - the expiry of the block\n* $7 - the intended target of the block (what the blocking user specified in the blocking form)\n* $8 - the timestamp when the block started\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Grouppage-sysop}}\n* {{msg-mw|Blockedtext|notext=1}}\n* {{msg-mw|Systemblockedtext|notext=1}}", + "systemblockedtext": "Text displayed to requests blocked by MediaWiki configuration.\n\n\"email this user\" should be consistent with {{msg-mw|Emailuser}}.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - (Unused) A dummy user attributed as the blocker, possibly as a link to a user page.\n* $2 - the reason for the block\n* $3 - the current IP address of the blocked user\n* $4 - (Unused) the dummy blocking user's username (plain text, without the link).\n* $5 - A short string indicating the type of system block.\n* $6 - the expiry of the block\n* $7 - the intended target of the block\n* $8 - the timestamp when the block started\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Grouppage-sysop}}\n* {{msg-mw|Blockedtext|notext=1}}\n* {{msg-mw|Autoblockedtext|notext=1}}", "blockednoreason": "Substituted with $2 in the following message if the reason is not given:\n* {{msg-mw|cantcreateaccount-text}}.\n{{Identical|No reason given}}", "whitelistedittext": "Used as error message. Parameters:\n* $1 - a link to [[Special:UserLogin]] with {{msg-mw|loginreqlink}} as link description\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Nocreatetext}}\n* {{msg-mw|Uploadnologintext}}\n* {{msg-mw|Loginreqpagetext}}", "confirmedittext": "Used as error message.", diff --git a/languages/i18n/sv.json b/languages/i18n/sv.json index 95f1cfb194..a030f05357 100644 --- a/languages/i18n/sv.json +++ b/languages/i18n/sv.json @@ -3970,7 +3970,7 @@ "special-characters-title-emdash": "långt tankstreck", "special-characters-title-minus": "minustecken", "mw-widgets-abandonedit": "Är du säker på att du vill lämna redigeringsläget utan att spara först?", - "mw-widgets-abandonedit-discard": "Ignorera ändringar", + "mw-widgets-abandonedit-discard": "Släng redigeringar", "mw-widgets-abandonedit-keep": "Fortsätt redigera", "mw-widgets-abandonedit-title": "Är du säker?", "mw-widgets-dateinput-no-date": "Inget valt datum",